Thursday, March 19, 2009

Slideshow Critique

It wasn't hard finding slide shows on the Internet, they seem to be a pretty predominant form of presenting information. However, I did have a little trouble finding a slide show that wasn't accompanied by audio. This in itself is a pretty good indicator as to which way is more effective in communicating a story to an audience.
The first slide show I looked at was from the New York Times website. It told about right whales and used both pictures, slides of writing, and audio to tell its story. This was a really effective story-telling technique. It is really easy to take in both audio and visual simultaneously and you are able to really focus on the pictures because you aren't distracted by trying to read at the same time. The story about the whales was able to contain a lot of information delivered in a relatively short time, covering everything from why the whales are endangered to numerous solutions and current statistics.
The second slide show I looked at without audio was on the White House website. Not only did it not have audio it also didn't have captions under its pictures so while I saw pictures, I had no idea what was actually going on in them. Definitely not a good storytelling tool.

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