Thursday, April 16, 2009

Newspaper Critiques

I hope I understood the assignment correctly, I looked at two newspapers and comparedd their sites. I looked at USA Today, and the Caledonian Record. (I note ahead that this may be an unfair comparison since obviously they're on different levels as far as audience, budget, etc.) USA Today had a great website, the opening page was really easy to navigate and it had all sorts of options. It was easy to find the section for video, slide shows, etc. Each one had a separate section on the opening screen. A lot of the stories had video and they made it fast and easy to get the story. The site is regularly updated and so is presenting up to the minute news stories. The Caledonian Records site was much less impressive. It doesn't give you all the stories from the newspaper unless perhaps you subscribe to it. There is very little use of multimedia. They did have a section with slide shows but they had little or not text accompanying them and no audio. The only video on the site came from the AP site and was really just a link these stories were good but they weren't actually a product of the caledonian record. I would say it was due to budget restraints except that in this class we've shown that anyone can create multimedia projects with just a little knowledge and effort.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Example from Ireport

Ireport Critique

I found this site a little hard to navigate. I had to search to find reports that used video, possibly because so many of the reports prominently displayed were also on CNN. I did find three different reports to look at. The most interesting story that I found did not use video which is unfortunate. It was posted by habforham and called "Houses Being Given Away in Detroit" It only had one picture which was too bad but the story had a lot of information and explained about the organization that is buying and giving away houses in Detroit. It would have been a much better story if it had a slideshow or even better video to go with it. It was very interesting and news worthy, I think I would put it on CNN if it had more of a multimedia aspect to it. I could do the same because it really just took some research, not much else. The first video I looked at was posted by Sessle called"Castle Wall Video from Sweden" it was terrible. There was video but no audio and no text so it was just a look at a castle wall. It was not at all interesting and it definitely wasn't news. I would not put it on CNN. The final video I looked at was posted by Coryboehne called "Bosque Fire Video" this was a much better example of video journalism, it was a man covering a wild fire in New Mexico. Unfortunately the audio was terrible, the creator must not have edited at all because if he had done a voice over and lowered the background noise it would have been much better. It was not as interesting as the first story could have been but it was much more interesting than the other video I watched. It was news and with audio adjustment it could have possibly been on CNN. I think I could probably do the same thing because it's pretty clear he didn't do any editing to his video or his audio.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Go Green...Even With Construction

Today, more than ever, the world is creating more and more ways to "go green." Or simply, live more efficiently. Many of us have realized the world will eventually run clear of resources if we don't effectively start to conserve them, immediately. By living greener, one can minimize pollution, protect our environment and create a healthy, non-hazardous place for us all. This is very important for those of us who plan to build new homes as well. The new building LSC is constructing is using recyclable wood all throughout the structure. The California Energy Commission offers the following tips for "greener" building.
First of all, make sue your project is appropriate for where you live. Certain materials and methods are better suited for specific geographical locations. Heavier construction materials should be used for drastic temperatures in the Southwest, for example, and lighter ones in places like Southern Florida. Secondly, when possible, build with materials that are of recycled content. This aspect pretty much speaks for itself. Examples of materials that can be recyclable are: metals, timber, plastic, glass and ceramics. Thirdly, buy your materials locally so you can cut down on transportation and environmental costs.
Following these easy to follow tips will help our environment and the home builder in the long run. Investing in quality products may cost a little bit more, but will last a lot longer in the end. which is the efficiency the world needs now more than ever.